Insourcing: What is it and how it can help reduce your backlog

The healthcare industry places a strong focus on maintaining efficient and timely services to ensure the quality of patient care remains high. However, the industry as a whole has been going through a difficult period for several years at this point, creating a backlog of cases and risking the quality of patient care. Insourcing looks to be a supportive strategy that can help reduce the backlog in healthcare institutions by streamlining operations and enhancing service delivery through the use of existing infrastructure. So, in this article, we will learn about what insourcing is and how it can help the healthcare industry.

The Current State of the Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry in the United Kingdomhas beennavigating through turbulentwaters, grappling with significant challenges that impact the workforce andconsequently,patient care. Two of the most pressing issues are staffing shortages and patient backlogs,each exacerbating the other and together creating a cycle that strains the system andcompromises the quality of healthcare services provided to the public.

Staffing Shortages

The UK healthcare sector is facing a criticalstaffing crisis, with hospitals, clinics, and otherhealthcare facilities reporting significant shortages of qualified professionals across a widerange of roles. This shortfall includes doctors, nurses, and allied healthcare professionalssuch as therapists, pharmacists, and support staff. The reasons behind these shortages aremultifaceted, encompassing factors like an ageing workforce, burnout, insufficientrecruitment and retention, and the complexities of Brexit and COVID-19. As a result of these forces, it is estimated that there are 126,000 vacancies in the NHS July 2023.

Patient Backlogs

Compounded by the staffing shortages is the growing issue of patient backlogs. Thehealthcare system is struggling to keep up with the demand for services, leading to longwaiting times for consultations, treatments, and surgeries. These delays can have severeimplications for patient outcomes, as conditions may worsenwhile individuals wait for care.The backlog is a result of years of rising demand, underfunding in certain areas, and theoperational disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced the postponementof elective procedures and routine care. Thishas resulted in a patient backlog where over 4 million patients are on thewaiting list for care.


The combination of staffing shortages and patient backlogs presents a formidable challenge for the UK healthcare system. It not only affects the timely delivery of care but also placesimmense pressure on existing healthcare workers, potentially impacting their well-being andthe quality of care they can provide. These issues also have broader societal implications,affecting public health outcomes, patient satisfaction, and trust in the healthcare system.

Understanding Insourcing

Insourcing is a business strategy where an organisation employs a third-party company to perform medical services and procedures on-site. Unlike outsourced individual locum or agency work, insourcing is a comprehensive solution that provides full, end-to-end service while using existing infrastructure and tools. This approach can be particularly effective in healthcare where quality control, data security, and intimate knowledge of operations are key.

Application in Healthcare

In the healthcare sector, insourcing can be applied to a wide range of specialisms including but not limited to, audiology, speech and language, occupationaltherapy and cardiac physiology. By insourcing these services and developing relationshipswith insourcing providers, healthcare organisations aim to improve control over theiroperations, enhance the quality of patient care and carry out more procedures at a lowercost. This, in turn, can lower waiting times for patients, improving outcomes in the process.

Reducing Backlog Through Insourcing

One ofthe primary benefits of insourcing in healthcare is the potential to streamlineoperations across the board. By using insourced clinicians who can provide out-of-hours,weekend and peak services, healthcare institutions can ensure a smoother flow ofoperations and reduced patient waiting times, as there is better coordination and resourcesamong various departments. This internal synergy can significantly reduce delays andinefficiencies, leading to a more rapid processing of backlogs.

Enhancing Quality of Care

Insourcing allows for greater oversight of the quality of services provided. Healthcareprofessionals within the organisation are likely to have a deeper understanding of patientneeds and industry standards. Moreover, they will be using existing tools, clinicalframeworks and infrastructure. This intrinsic knowledge and resourcing enable them todeliver services that are closely aligned with the expected standards of care, thereby not only addressingthe backlog but also ensuring that the quality of care is not compromised in the process.

Improving Patient Satisfaction

Direct control over service delivery through insourcing can lead to improved patientsatisfaction.When services are delivered efficiently, using existing infrastructure and with apersonal touch, patients are more likely to have a positive experience. This aspect isparticularly important in healthcare, where patient satisfaction is closely linked to the overallperception of care quality. By reducing wait times and improving service delivery throughinsourcing, healthcare organisations can significantly enhance patient satisfaction.

Cost Efficiency

Although insourcing requires collaboration with third parties, it can lead to cost savings in the long run. By handling services in-house through a third party, healthcare organisations can avoid the markups charged by outsourced private healthcare facilities. What’s more, insourcing can reduce the costs associated with delays and inefficiencies in service delivery, which are often exacerbated by reliance on external private healthcare institutions.

Implementing Insourcing in Healthcare

The first step towards implementing insourcing in healthcare is to assess the organisation's existing capabilities and identify areas where insourcing could be beneficial. This involves a thorough analysis of current backlogs, service delivery processes, and available resources.

Leveraging Technology

Technology plays a big role in facilitating insourcing in healthcare. By adopting advancedhealthcare IT solutions, organisations can enhance efficiency, improve data management,and streamline communication within the organization. This technologicalbackbone isessential for successfully managing the additional workload brought on by insourcing.

Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation

Insourcing is not a one-time solution but an ongoing strategy that requires continuous evaluation and adaptation. Healthcare organisations should regularly assess the effectiveness of their insourcing efforts and make necessary adjustments to ensure that thebacklog is effectively managed.

Insourcing Supports the Healthcare Industry

insourcing offers a promising avenue for healthcare organisations to tackle their backlog issues while simultaneously improving the quality of care and patient satisfaction. By leveraging internal resources and providing end-to-end service, healthcare providers can streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and ultimately deliver superior patient care. The implementation of insourcing requires careful planning and adoption of technology, but the potential benefits make it a worthwhile strategy in the quest to reduce backlogs in healthcare. If you would like to know more about how insourcing in healthcare works or are interested in using insourcing for your organisation, please get in touch with our team at Globe Workforce Solutions today


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Implementing Insourcing: Best Practices and Strategies


Beating the backlog in audiology: The challenge and the solution